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/ Current Shareware 1996 January / Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO / educatio / signwr43.zip

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File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
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│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
SIGNWR43.ZIP   420360  10-21-95  SignWriter v4.3: word processor for writing
                               | signed languages; signs, fingerspelling, and
                               | English can be typed into the same file;
                               | built-in sign dictionary contains over 3000
                               | ASL signs; sign dictionaries can be printed
                               | out in publication-quality formats; files can
                               | be exported as PCX graphics files; supports
                               | Epson/HP-compatible printers and PostScript
                               | printers; 09/07/95; Richard Gleaves/ Center
                               | for Sutton Movement Writing, Inc.
                               | (Newest File Date: 09-07-95)

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
MANUAL.DOC Text File 3,201 118KB 1995-09-07
README.TXT Text File 196 7KB 1995-09-07
SW001.MSG Text File 240 4KB 1993-08-10
SWINFO.TXT Text File 172 6KB 1995-09-07

Other Files (25)
DICT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 71KB 1995-09-05
SW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 100KB 1995-09-05
DEAF1.SGN Unknown 10KB 1995-09-03
DEAF2.SGN Unknown 6KB 1995-09-03
EMAIL.SGN Unknown 5KB 1995-09-07
GRAMMAR.SGN Unknown 19KB 1995-09-07
HAMBURG.SGN Unknown 5KB 1995-09-03
KEYBOARD.SGN Unknown 2KB 1995-09-07
NORWAY.SGN Unknown 8KB 1995-09-03
SW.SYM Unknown 196KB 1995-09-06
SW001.DIC Unknown 282KB 1995-09-05
SW001.DIN Unknown 50KB 1995-09-05
SW001.KEY Unknown 15KB 1995-09-05
SWBODY.SGN Unknown 20KB 1995-09-05
SWCONT.SGN Unknown 5KB 1995-09-04
SWDYNAM.SGN Unknown 2KB 1995-09-04
SWFACE.SGN Unknown 12KB 1995-09-04
SWHANDS1.SGN Unknown 22KB 1995-09-07
SWHANDS2.SGN Unknown 13KB 1995-09-04
SWINTRO.SGN Unknown 6KB 1995-09-07
SWMOVE1.SGN Unknown 15KB 1995-09-04
SWMOVE2.SGN Unknown 22KB 1995-09-07
SWMOVE3.SGN Unknown 19KB 1995-09-05
SWPUNC.SGN Unknown 7KB 1995-09-07
WELCOME.SGN Unknown 2KB 1995-08-21